Hinduism is a relentless pursuit of Truth. Truth is God and if today it has become moribund, inactive, unresponsive to growth, it is because we are fatigued; and as soon as the fatigue is over, Hinduism will burst upon the world with a brilliance perhaps unknown before.
Mahatma Gandhi
​Hinduism is the religion of the majority of people in India and Nepal. It also exists among significant populations outside of the sub continent and has over 900 million adherents worldwide.
There isn’t a sacred scripture or founder of Hinduism nor was it founded in a particular time. Unlike other traditional religions, it is amalgamation of different beliefs, traditions and philosophies. There are various theories that contradict with each other and hence, there are different theories as to the origin of this religion. The first mentioned texts were writing of ancient sages or Rishi but these sacred writing was orally recited.
The traces of Hindu culture can be traced back to ancient India where it was an unclear tradition without any nomenclature around 5500 BCE. The term Hindu became popular only after the Mughal ear in contemporary India. The term became popular only in the 19.20th century when British colony rapidly spread in India. Around the time of 300 VCE, the God named Shiva was worshipped in the Indus Valley as per evidences. The Mahabharata, that gave immense insight into Hindu Mythology in the form of Bhagvad Gita along with historical crucial text was also written in the period of 400 BCE and 200 CE.
What is Hinduism?
Hinduism is a combination of - Religion, Culture, Philosophy, Way of Life, Heritage, Tradition, and Festivals.
Who started Hinduism?
No one man can claim as the creator of Hinduism. Saints, Intellectuals, and even common people developed it over thousands of years.
What are the characteristics of Hindu Religion?
Hinduism has only;
One Supreme God (Paramatma), but different names and forms
No prophet, but many philosophers
No one holy book, but many scriptures
Hinduism includes:
Freedom of Worship God: You can worship any form of the God, by any name of the God
Freedom of Worship Place: You can worship at temples, at home, or any place you like.
Freedom of Worship Time: You can worship any day of the week, any time of the day.
Freedom of Worship Path: You can select any spiritual path (yoga) or Chant any mantra you like.
What is the basic tenet of Hinduism?
A philosophy of treating other religions with respect and tolerance and compassion of peaceful coexistence is a basic principle.
What are the Basic Principles of Hinduism?
Satyam Vada: Speak Truth Dharmam
Chara: Live by Dharma
Maatru Devo Bhava: Regard Mother as God
Pitru Devo Bhava: Regard Father as God
Acharya Devo Bhava: Regard Guru as God
Athiti Devo Bhava: Regard Guest as God Saadyayanma
Pramadah: Do not Procrastinate
Shraddaya Deyama: Give with Faith
What is the significance of symbol OM in Hinduism?
All that exists, has ever existed in the past, and will ever exist in the future, in the universe is manifestation of and abode of God, and the syllable OM symbolically designates existence in its entirety as well as God. God is all and all is God.
How Hinduism treats women?
The Hindu tradition has held a high regard for qualities of women. They are recognized as Goddesses of divine qualities and power. The divine forms include Lakshmi (the goddess of fortune, Saraswati (the goddess of learning), and Parvati (the goddess of strength and power). There is a Vedic saying, " where women are worshiped, the Gods dwell there”, or "where women are happy, there will be prosperity". In the basic principles of Hinduism, the mother is regarded as God- “Maatru Devo Bhava”.
Why does Hinduism have so many Gods?
Hindus all believe in one supreme God but at the same time have the freedom to worship him in any living form as all living beings are considered manifestations of GOD.
Why Do Hindus worship the cow?
Hindus do not worship cows. They respect cow as a maternal figure and symbol of life.
Are Hindus forbidden to eat meat?
Hindus teach vegetarianism as a way to live with a minimum of hurt to other beings. Ahimsa Paramo Dharma (Non-violence is supreme duty). However, in today's world not all Hindus are vegetarians.
Why do many Hindus wear a dot near the middle of their forehead?
The red dots, bindis/ tilaks, represents the third eye of spiritual sight, which sees things the physical eyes cannot see. The forehead dot is a reminder to use and cultivate this spiritual vision to perceive and better understand life's inner workings-to see things not just physically, but with the "mind's eye" as well.
What does Namaste mean?
Since all living beings have a divine soul inside, Namaste or Namaskar means- the divine in me bows to the divine in you.